Welcome to the University of Michigan Amateur Radio Club!

Upcoming meeting:

November 21, 6:30PM EST, room TBD

Meeting Dates 2024-2025

Club meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month during school weeks.

September 19, 2024

October 17, 2024

November 21, 2024

No December meeting – Semester Break

January 16, 2025

February 20, 2025

March 20, 2025

No April-August meetings – Summer break!


Above: Joel Thurtell, K8PSV demonstrating the Zenith 100-R for the club after his presentation. Jan 2018.

Parking Info

​For those driving to North Campus, I’m sorry to say that parking has gotten a bit more challenging.  UM has increased the hours of enforcement of parking permits on a couple of lots.  Both the NC27 lot (by the Walgreen Drama center) and the NC60 lot (by the Lurie Engineering Center) are now enforced until 8 pm, so you could get a ticket if you park in them without a UM “blue” or “gold” permit.  Fortunately there are still two other good options.  Lot NC48, on Hayward near Murfin is probably the best choice.  It is free after 5 pm and almost always has plenty of space in the evenings.  The best route is to go down the steps out of the east side of the parking lot, pass the Beyster building on the right, and then take the outdoor stairway underneath the Beyster building down to the diag area.  Turn left and go to the west entrance of EECS.  The left green line drawn on the attached parking map shows this route.  Another possibility is to park in lot NC28 behind the Space Research Building; that lot is also free after 5 pm.  From there, exit the parking lot to the west, come down the hill to the corner Hayward and Beal, then cross Hayward and follow Beal down to the east entrance of EECS.  The right green line drawn on the map shows this route.
Don – AC8TO

Learn about Ham Radio, Join the Club!

Communicate with other site stations around the world using U-M’s amateur radio station W8UM, obtain your own FCC Amateur Radio License, and get involved in an exciting hobby that you’ll enjoy for a lifetime.

Check out this flyer (pdf) describing our club.

Also, be sure to get on our e-mail list, so you’ll get announcements of upcoming meetings and events around the W8UM “shack”.





