The first meeting of the W8UM Amateur Radio Club was held on September 30, 2010 (Thursday), at 6:30 pm in 1014 Dow on North Campus. Those who were radio hams were able to ragchew with fellow radio hams, while those who were not were given an opportunity to learn more about ham radio and everyone were given the opportunity to learn more about the Club, its facilities and helped decide what activities the Club should pursue this year.
As part of the agenda we asked Prof. William Becher (AA8RW), a fellow radio ham and retired adjunct EECS professor, to acquaint us with some of the exciting activities the Club might undertake this year along with a brief overview of the Club. He explained the simple path to becoming an FCC licensed ham radio operator. Also on the agenda was a tour of the Club radio shack by Steve Culp (K8QKY), our Club station manager.