145.230 RX Frequency 144.630 TX Frequency (Offset -0.600 kHz) Tone 100.0 Hz
2M FM Repeater Internet / VoIP Access Nodes (Weiser Hall)
Both Echolink and Allstar link internet users to amateur radio repeater systems throughout the world either directly via RF or the internet. Such a web/radio connection has many uses and interesting features.
- EchoLink Node:301138 (connects to 145.230 mHz W8UM repeater)
- EchoLink https://www.echolink.org/
- Allstar Node: 502018 (connects to 145.230 mHz W8UM repeater)
- Allstar https://www.allstarlink.org/
W8UM WinLink Activity: http://annarbor2-srvr.mi6wan.net/supermon/link.php?nodes=502018
For information about the weekly net hosted on this repeater, see this page.