Prior Campus Stations

1861       Cipher Code         Detroit Observatory                                   Prof. Franz Brunnow

1896                                       Experimentation with Hertzian Waves                           Prof. Karl Guthe

1897                                       Wireless Experimentation, Dept. of Physics                   Prof. R. D. Parker

Prof. Augustus Trowbridge

Prof. Eugen Carhart

Prof. Karl Guthe

1899                                       Classroom Demonstration of Wireless Telegraphy       George D.  Wuerfel                              1900                                                Research Club Formed                                                       Prof. Victor C. Vaughan

1912                                       Class 3 Experimental License #17 Issued

1913       8XA                        License Granted (Dept. of Electrical Engineering)         Benjamin N. Burglund

1919       8AXZ (NU8AXZ) Signal Corps                                                                         Porter H. Evans

1926       1XL                        1st Greenland Expedition                                                   Prof. Willian Hobbs

1927       NX1XL                  2nd Greenland Expedition                                                  Paul Oscanyan

1935       W8AXZ                 University of Michigan Radio Club                                                Merton G. Wellington

1939       W8AXZ                 University of Michigan (Signal Corps.)                          Major Robert N. Kunz

1946       W8ZUP                  University Radio Club

W8ZSQ                  West Quad Dormitory Club

W7KDZ                 Camp Davis Exploratory, WY.

1947       WU9                       Signal Corps, Dept. of Military Science                         Major Vollrath                                     8BEK (NU8BEK)               R.O.T.C.

W8AXZ                 University of Michigan                                                      Jack Kline

W8AXH (Possible a Mis-Type in the Michigan Daily)

1955       W8PGW South Quad Dormitory Club

1956       W8EHZ                 University High School Radio Club                                               Howard Gerrish

1957       K8GRE                  East Quad Dormitory Club

ZS4BL                   Lamont-Hussey Observatory, South Africa                    M. K. Jessup

1962       K8TIG                    Electrical Engineering Department (East Eng.)

1964       K8SPS                    Strauss House, East Quad Dormitory                              William Ziegler

1965       W8UM                   East Engineering Bldg.                                                      Richard Brown

1974       W8UM                   Michigan Union                                                                  Jim Tedesco

1975       W8UM                                                                                                                   Bill Lederer

1977       W8UM                                                                                                                   James Phillips

1978       W8UM                                                                                                                   John Ackermann

1985       W8UM                                                                                                                   Mark Travaglini

2006       W8UM                   Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Bldg.      Mark Travaglini

2019       W8AXZ                 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Bldg.      Michael Fluegemann