- 413.850 MHz – Weather telemetry pole behind CSRB, maintained by UM Plant Dept. Transmits once every 1-2 minutes for ~1 second, first a short tone then a data packet. (unconfirmed)
- 14 GHz (Ku band) link on top of GGBL to the Chrysler Center. Antenna is an azimuth steerable Scientific Atlanta 7m Ku Band broadcast dish, installed in 1990 for delivering classes to GM and others via satellite. Currently operational for broadcast entities and Michigan News.
- 437.505 MHz and vicinity – UM blue bus telemetry (unconfirmed)
- CSRB satellite antennas – currently used for CYGNSS mission critical communications
- FXB satellite antennas – satellite tracking for MXL
- EECS roof AT&T antennas – three sets of 4 “pillars”, facing east, west, and south. These were installed in 2018. Remember to give AT&T 72 hrs of notice before any tower work. RF levels halfway up UMARC’s main antenna tower observed to exceed safe standards during October climb, but fine on the roof level. Currently unknown if it’s due to the RF monitor issues. (RF levels and frequencies unconfirmed)
Compiled by N9KIT. Last edited 11/3/2019.