Early Telegraphy History at The University of Michigan

1832	Samuel Morse, Leonard Gale and Henry Tappan serve as the first faculty at the University of the City of New York. (aka NYU).  Alfred Vail was a student of Morse.
1842	UM President Henry Tappan 1st to witness Morse’s Telegraph (NYU)
1861 University purchases 3 telegraph sets (Detroit Observatory) Prof. Franz Brunnow
1867 Amos E. Dolbear enrolls as an UM graduate student
1868 1st classroom lecture on Morse’s Telegraph Prof. Alexander Winchell
1870 Prof. Cleveland Abbe “Weather Prediction” & 1st Director US Weather
Bureau (past Astronomy student)
1876 “The Art of Projecting” written by Amos E. Dolbear Amos E. Dolbear
1876 Philadelphia Exposition; Prof. Watson awards 1st Place to Alexander G. Bell (Telephone)
1878 Prof. Watson writes in defense of Alexander G. Bell (Nature)
1879 Amos E. Dolbear’s Alumni Update Letter (UM Masters & Honorary Ph.D.,)
1885 Dolbear receives Patent for the “wireless” telegraph
1888 Dolbear v Bell. U.S. Supreme Court
1895 Engineering Society, Experimentation with Hertzian Waves Prof. Karl Guthe
1896 Sending message by electricity Prof. A. Trowbridge
1897 Wireless Experimentation, Dept. of Physics Prof. Augustus Trowbridge
Prof. Eugen Carhart
Prof. Karl Guthe
1899 1st Classroom Demonstration of “Wireless” Telegraphy Prof. Augustus Trowbridge
“Quantitative investigation of the coherer” Prof. Augustus Trowbridge
1900 Faculty Research Club Formed Prof. Victor C. Vaughan
1902 “The Speaking Arc & Wireless Telephony” Prof. Karl Guthe
1903 1st “Live” broadcast, via telegraphy, of UM football game (Floyd “Jack” Mattice,
Little Brown Jug)
1905 Published articles on the Coherer Profs. Guthe & Trowbridge
1907 1st Class on “Wireless Radio” Prof. Razlemond D. Parker
1912 Class 3 Experimental License #17 Issued Prof. Razelmond D. Parker
1913 8XA License Granted (Dept. of Electrical Engineering) Benjamin N. Burglund
1913 Mid-West Floods (Easter Day Floods) B. N. Burglund
1914 The Amateur Radio Relay League was created following the Great Mid-West Floods of 1913. It was the University of Michigan who received & sent urgent messages asking any amateur to assist those in Ohio.
Provided radio support to UM expeditions to Arctic Greenland, and Camp Davis Wyoming
Provided radio communications with the Lamont-Hussey Observatory, South Africa
Provided radio support to Richard Byrd’s exploration of Antarctica
Provided radio support for the first attempts to establish trans-Atlantic crossing by airplane
The Greater Rockford & Untin Bowler aircraft

1928 1st Pole-to-Pole Radio Communication (Arctic Greenland & Antarctica) with W8AXZ Fred Albertson