Join us in 1311 EECS on Thursday, October 19, 2017 for our monthly club meeting! Club meetings are held the third Thursdays of each month of the school year, except December and April.
Our guest speaker will be Ul Balis, N4IYL. The details of the presentation are listed below:
Quad antenna parasitic arrays in the VHF and UHF bands – everything you need to know.
Summary: Parasitic arrays of the Quad and Yagi-Yuda configuration represent several of the most successful and important directional antenna designs available for use in the VHF and UHF bands. This presentation will cover the basics of the Quad parasitic array antenna configuration, including: gain, directionality, polarization, impedance matching, transmission lines, radiation angle, Q, bandwidth, structural considerations, and finally, overall performance optimization. Several design approaches and numerical tools will be reviewed. This introduction will be followed by a practical session where specific design and optimization factors will be considered in the fabrication of actual quad elements, utilizing working demonstration components (driven elements, directors and reflectors) under test conditions, using a contemporary antennal analyzer. Finally, installation and deployment considerations will be addressed, with the overall presentation designed to allow for the attendee to be confident in their ability to design, build and deploy effective quad antennas at the conclusion of the session.
We will also run (quickly!) through the club news and events.
The date for the UMARC foxhunt will be decided by a formal vote.