Echolink is a system that links internet users to local amateur radio repeater systems. Such a web/radio connection has many uses and interesting features. Recently, Pat WA4DSR has set up an Echolink system that connects the club’s 2m repeater W8UM/R to the web. This has allowed stations far from Ann Arbor, MI to check in to the weekly UMARC 2m net via Echolink.
A more permanent Echolink connection is planned to connect the W8UM station (in the EECS building) to the W8UM/R repeater site (in the Dennison building on Central Campus) via a 440 MHz RF link. All of the equipment has been purchased, but much help is needed to assemble and configure the hardware and software.
By participating in this exciting project you will:
- Learn about terrestrial radio communication links
- Learn how to assemble and configure the hardware and software of such a system, including radio transceivers, antennas, and interfaces
- Help build an important addition to the W8UM station, allowing remote users to easily communicate with local Ann Arbor amateur radio operators
If you are interested in participating in this project, contact Chris KA8WFC